Woodland plants everywhere. Trillium/Deer Lillies on the left, Spotty Dottys on the upper right, Lady Slippers in the lower center (Franchetti in the back, Tibeticums in the front and Gisella off to the right).

Tibeticum lady slippers in front and franchetti in the back. (yeah, they look alot alike) 
Gisella lady slipper on the left - - Emil and Trillium on the right.


And now for Podophyllums!! (Green plants with strange looking leaves). These are versipellis which are sorta square with blotches on them. VERY COOL plants. Wierd, but cool.

The Spotty Dotty's have gotten REALLY big this year - probably 3 times bigger than last year.
See? Humongoid leaves!
And underneath the big spotty is a tiny Difforme, which are really uncommon and also very cool. (ok, so I love bizarre plants)

Another podophyllum - this one is called Pleianthum (the big star shaped leaf the blue bird is pointing at). It seems to love its spot in the Ferns and Mini Bleeding Hearts.

And now for the hosta gone completely out of control. Hosta on the right - Sum and Substance. Its a giant and its supposed to be huge. Hosta on the left - Sagae. When I bought it there was only 2 leaves. That was 3 years ago. The notes said it would get to be 5' wide, but I didn't think it would double in size since last year. I expect a shoving match between these two hostas next year. (also note the cool conifer in the background - we added it last month)
New Landscaping!!! We moved the October Glory maple to the front yard and made the choice to add conifers to the back fence. We wanted screening and interest year round, so we chose a variety of colors and textures. We like how its turning out. It should grow in nicely over the next several years.

New additions along the back - Monteray Cypress (lime green bush behind pear tree), Boulevard Cypress (short, fat and rounded), Tobioshu Japanese Maple, Cupresses Glauca Blue Pyramid (blue tree), Weeping Sequoia (Dr. Suess Tree), a few varigated bushes, rhody, hydrangeas and the original lilies and peonies. None of these will get very big. 
We seriously love these trees. The ground is too wet for several of them, so those are growing in whisky barrels, like the Blue Pyramid in the back. Fortunately, those trees will not get very big and can stay in the barrels perminantly.

View towards the shed - shows the new hedge holly we put against the fence by the shed.

My favorite japanese maple - Uki Gumo. Its leaves are the great white with pale green mottling. It just glows in the shade and I love the way it looks. It loves the deep shade and is really a dramatic little tree.

Close up of the cool leaf color on the Uki Gumo.

The plants by the big shed are also coming in.
The new blown glass has been added into the side bed and the plants are all growing like crazy.

Tim using is favorite new tool for pulling dandilions. He calls it 'the lion killer'. If you look carefully, you can see a dandilion being shot from the tool into the pile.

The new Chinese Paperbark Maple has been potted and waits to see just how dead the Mimosa Tree is. It just has not done well in the past few years, due to the rain. I expect it will not come out of dormancy this year and set the maple in the area to see how it fits in.

The back of the house is coming along slowly. The greenhouses are down, but the old part of the porch cover still needs painting.
The hanging baskets are all in and the patio is finally getting cleared off for summer.

This year's vegetable garden before they are moved to their final spots. I need to paint the blue tubs and then move them out to the front - as soon as its warm and sunny enough to move everything out from under the clear patio cover. It serves as a nice green house right now and everything seems to be happy and growing.
Lettuce stays in the shady spot and the tomatoes and zucchini get the warm spots. 
The tubs have been mostly painted and moved to the only consistantly sunny spot on the whole place. Next we build the raised bed surrounds. 