Piluzo™ Standard

Piluzo™ Slide


Breakaway Pendant Collar

Edged Lurcher Collar - Simple Martingale style
This is a 'fitted collar' that is custom fit to your dog. It does not have an adjustable slide for sizing. We need the neck and head size for proper fit of this collar type. Step Down's use a single back loop or 'Simple Martingale' to tighten the collar when your dog pulls on the leash.

Edged Lurcher Collar - Limited Slip style
This collar is a fitted collar with some sizing adjustment built into it. We need the neck and head size for proper fit of this collar type. The collar is designed to reduce size from the side as the dog pulls on the leash, much like a Limited Slip syle collar with a slight design modification.

Unedged Lurcher - Simple Martingale style
This is a 'fitted collar' that is custom fit to your dog. It does not have an adjustable slide for sizing. We need the neck and head size for proper fit of this collar type. Step Down's use a single back loop or 'Simple Martingale' to tighten the collar when your dog pulls on the leash.

Unedged Lurcher Collar - Limited Slip style
This collar is a fitted collar with some sizing adjustment built into it. We need the neck and head size for proper fit of this collar type. The collar is designed to reduce size from the side as the dog pulls on the leash, much like a Limited Slip syle collar with a slight design modification. |

Classic Lurcher
This is an old style sighthound collar that is wide in the front and narrows to 3/4" wide in the back where it closes with a belt style buckle.

Step Down
This is a 'fitted collar' that is custom fit to your dog. It does not have an adjustable slide for sizing. We need the neck and head size for proper fit of this collar type. Step Down's use a single back loop or 'Simple Martingale' to tighten the collar when your dog pulls on the leash.

This is a traditional collar for sight hounds. The Martingale is designed to tighten around the neck as the dog pulls on the leash, so the collar won't slip over his head.


A Combo is a Limited Slip (See below) with a buckle added to the collar for easy on and off. Great for non-sighthounds whose heads are larger than their necks.

Limited Slip
This collar is one piece and needs a head size measurement for proper fit. The limited slip is an alternative to a Martingale in that it reduces in size (tightens) as the dog pulls on a leash. This collar pulls from one side instead of from the middle of a back loop.
This is a view of the collar when being worn without a leash.
The collar size reduces as the leash pulls on the D-ring and the metal slide moves along the slip loop near the smaller D-ring (with a bone on it).
As the leash pulls on the D-ring, the metal slide continues to reduce collar size until it stops against the end of the slip loop near the smaller D-ring (with a bone on it) and cannot reduce any more.


Walking Breakaway

Buckle Collar