Back Yard Progress - June '08
Yard Pix |

The Back Fence - foxglove flowers, bird houses, easter island head, blue pot, impatients and heucheras - no paint yet, but we're getting there. Paint = July project.

Back Fence - middle area. Pots, new tree, attack of the hostas and lots of impatients and heucheras. No brown paint on the fence here, either.

Close up of the new little japanese maple, sun/moon and plants.

End of Back Fence - reorganized wood stack (pretty, huh?), part of new shed with red-neck tarp on the end while we wait for the last roofing joist, new walled in tree flowerbed. Attack of the Hostas - FINALLY!

New tree walled flowerbed, new shed with red-neck tarp (held on with 14 spring clamps from Harbor Freight-Tim's creation). No, the wall is not perfectly level, yes it bugs the crap out of me, no I'm not re-engineering it. I'll buy fluffy plants that hang over the edge next year....that's my plan and it works for me.

Pippin relaxing in the yard...waiting for the evil squirrels to make a wrong move. |

Side Fence - obviously no paint here. The scraping part is going to be unfortunate, but I'm determined to have a brown fence sometime this summer. New raised flower bed against the fence, 2 of the 4 trees over here, $20 bench from Lowes (it had a chip, so I talked them down to a 50% discount). Luca is showing Gracie which pinecones eat - yay.
Cool fish, huh? Its for the koi tank, is made of concrete and weighs a ton, but he's cool. Another sale item we ran across recently. Next pic is a cool candle pedestal I got at Tuesday morning (huge sale, still way too expensive, but it looks really good) and our discount balls - blown glass, $18 each (woohoo). No comments on the discount balls, please. |

Deck (really? this is a deck?) Coleus around the big pot (Tim's new favorite plant), new folding screen for hanging plants (over chair on the right, another great sale), Rex begonias around one of my hibuscus trees. Everything is very cool this year and freezing their leaves off.

Close-up of new screen, bouncy seats (we LOVE these!), flashy new clematis and growing plants. Oh yes, and TONS of tiny pinecones - my nemisis. |