August yard - Not quite working, so stuff will move this winter.
1. Lilies will go together by the head statue. - moved
2. Short spikey crocosmias under the pear tree will move to the front yard
3. Something colorful will go near the pear tree
4. Maple tree will move to the front yard for future shade.

Hmmm, a little too out of control right now...time to find a flower to fill in by the pear tree. 
Flower Surprise at Lowes - dinner plate dahlias!
Otto's Thrill

Babylon Red

Kelvin Floodlight Yellow

Kelvin Floodlight White
Trial placement in the garden. First we tried a row of them, but they were too overwhelming. This seems better (yellow one is behind the trees) and less like we are being invaded by monster dahlias.

Splitting them up - 3 on one side, 2 on the other.

The white dahlia peeks out from under the pear tree for now.
They make great cutting flowers - this one is floating around in some water in the bowl.

Pottery, cool flower and my grandma's bowl 
Next mini-project - adding a raised bed and some flowers (killer sale at Home Depot)

Liatris is added to each side of the Prism for hight and color. (somewhere in there are some short, very slow growing african diasies) 
The banana trees FINALLY showed up at Home Depot and went into the sunny bed this year. Hopefully it will get huge by fall. 
Our hazelnut trees are full of nuts this year! We didn't expect any until next year, since we planted the young trees last summer.
Low wall added on the left - need to add the rest of the dirt and buy some more plants.

Last of the plants set in the bed (in pots) and dirt bags ready to throw in before planting.
Find the Dooley.....

See it yet?

Hidden in the plants with the lid closed.

Dooley open and ready for poo...
