Pots by the fence. We'll put one of the Tazmanian Acanthus in the middle of them - it gets tall and varigated. |
Big Blue pot and Pippin looking for fresh cut grass to eat - wierd dog |
Big Brown (will be painted blue and the fence will be painted the colors of this pot)
Hostas are coming in around the base, but they're jsut nubs right now.
My $37 terra cotta urn that's about 3 feet tall - I got two of them. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with them, but for that price I'll figure something out.
Tiny daffofils and cool new cattail bird feeders. Obviously taken before flower bed cleanup. |
Tiny Daffodils - the little cups are the size of your thumb |
Tazmanian Acanthus behind the astilbes and ferns. This will get big and fluffy (3 feet tall with 5' tall flower spikes) - hopefully. |
Zoe the Italian GreyCow - munching on fresh cut grass clumps. Eeewwwwwwww. |